Technology to fight violence against indigenous rural women
The problem
2 out of 3 women are killed in Central America are women.
Between 2010 and 2015, 400 women were victims of rape daily.
Rural women face:
Everyday violence (sexual, physical, psychological, economic, human trafficking, forced coexistence, threats and femicides) and multiple discriminations (for being women, for being rural, for indigenous, for their language).

The solution
As a result of a listening process along with rural indigenous women in the Guatemalan Dry Corridor and in the Cauca Valley in Colombia, a technology-based solution is being developed that allows women to access sexual and reproductive health information in real time, as well as all the assistance services necessary for situations of violence.
This project pursues the decline of all types of violence against women. For this purpose, it provides links between support services and women victims of violence, thus generating a unified information channel, of instant access, through chatbots.
Changes in the masculinity narratives that oppress the exercise of women's rights.

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